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What knowledge do you have about hall screens?

Release Time:2023-11-07      Number of clicks:168

The hall screen, as an important component of traditional furniture, has a long history. In ancient families, a screen was displayed and blue clothes were worn. The hall screen adopts a perfect combination of precious mahogany series and red copper relief, with exquisite materials, exquisite workmanship, and elegant taste. It is very high-end, atmospheric, and upscale.

The hall screen has flexible and variable physical properties, which can change the amount and direction of air flow in the house, and has the function of activating the air field. The furniture used for wind protection inside ancient buildings is called "shielding the wind". After a long period of development, it is widely used in places such as government agencies, factories, troops, hotels, building lobbies, conference rooms, offices, guest rooms, and family living rooms.

Next:What craftsmanship should modern solid wood screens pay attention to?

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